Abdoulaye Batili, born in 1947, is a Senegalese politician and diplomat. She holds a PhD from the University of Birmingham in Britain and a state doctorate from Cheikh Anta Diop University in Senegal. He wrote and published several works on African history and politics. Including the book May 68 in the Dakar: University revolution and democracy in 1992. And the book Army and Militarization in Africa in 1998 AD.
Batili held several previous positions in the United Nations before being assigned the tasks of the Libya Mission, namely:
- The position of Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (2013-2014).
- Special Representative for Central Africa and Head of the United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa in Gabon (2014-2016).
- In 2018 he was appointed Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Madagascar.
- Appointed independent expert for the strategic review of the United Nations Office in West Africa in 2019.
He also held several ministerial positions in his country, Senegal, including:
- Senior Minister in the Office of the President and in charge of African Affairs (2012-2013).
- Minister of Energy and Water (2000-2001).
- Minister of Environment and Nature Protection (1993-1998).
- He served as Vice President of the Association from 2001-2006.
- He was also elected to the Economic Assembly of the Parliament of West African States (2002-2006).
Formation of a 6 + 6 committee
The committee was formed on the basis of Article 30 of the Constitutional Declaration approved by the House of Representatives and the State Council. Which provides for “the formation of a joint committee by the House of Representatives and the state with six (6) members from each house to agree by a two-thirds majority of the members of each house, This is to prepare draft referendum and election laws.
The State Council named its members to this committee by a decision issued by its president, Khaled Al-Mashri. They are “Ahmed Al-Awjali” and Hamad Brikao, Omar Abulifa, Fathallah Hussein, win punishment, And Mama Suleiman Bilal”, and the decision obligated the committee to submit a report to the Presidency Office after each meeting, and also obligated it to consult with the Presidency Office on matters of dispute, and allowed it to seek the assistance of whomever it deems necessary to seek assistance to perform its duties, While the House of Representatives elected, in an unannounced session, the six members of the Joint Committee for the Preparation of Elections Laws, The deputies included “Noureddin Khaled, Jalal Al-Shuwaidi, fit his pen, Abu Salah Shalaby, melod black, Ezzedine Qwereb.
Outputs Bouznika
After several meetings held by the committee inside Libya, it moved to Bou Zniqa, Morocco. After a path that was described as arduous, the committee reached a final agreement that was described as good and agreed upon. Aqila Saleh and Al-Mashri were scheduled to appear to recite the closing statement. and announcing the results of the committee’s work, Committee said, In her statement, She has finished “preparing referendum and election draft laws since June 3, 2023,” stressing “the correctness and soundness of agreement on the draft laws by signing and voting unanimously,” The committee explained that the electoral laws it prepared were based on the constitutional amendment. And that they are laws that “accommodate different visions and dispel the fears of all the conflicting actors in the scene.” Noting that the laws were prepared in the presence of experts of the UN mission and in constant consultation with the High Electoral Commission, In the details of the laws, The committee’s statement said that the National Assembly election law “depends on the return of partisan life so that its mark will be clear in the House of Representatives elections.” And that it “preserves equality in elections and candidacy between women and men, and grants women seats for private competition,” The committee talked about the draft law for electing the National Assembly, the “legislative authority”, In its statement, the committee did not refer to the differences in the draft presidential election law. she commented by saying: We will send the two bills to the House of Representatives for promulgation. Then they are referred to the Commission to start preparing for implementation on the ground.”
Feedback on the outputs of the committee’s work
Firstly: The international mission
The United Nations Support Mission in Libya took note of the results of the work of the (6 + 6) committee formed by the House of Representatives and the High Council of State, Which met in the city of Bouznika, Kingdom of Morocco, from May 22 to June 6, 2023 to draft laws for the presidential and parliamentary elections.
The mission expresses its appreciation for the efforts made by the committee. It extends its thanks to the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco for hosting its meetings, The mission said that it will continue to work with all concerned Libyan institutions. including the Presidency Council, To facilitate consultations among all stakeholders to address contentious articles in electoral laws, and securing the necessary political agreement to put the country on the path to elections, Providing an equal environment for electoral competition among all candidates. The United Nations Support Mission in Libya called on all actors in Libya to get involved. in a spirit of concord, In my endeavors to address all outstanding issues, creating a safer environment, and more suitable for holding elections in 2023, The mission urges all actors to refrain from procrastination tactics aimed at prolonging the political crisis that has caused so much suffering to the Libyan people. The mission said that, in line with its mandate, The United Nations Support Mission in Libya reaffirms its commitment to holding transparent, inclusive and credible elections to allow the Libyan people to freely choose their representatives, And renew the legitimacy of the country’s institutions.
secondly: Libyan parties
Presidential Council
called a committee (6 + 6), To continue to address the sticking points to reach parliamentary and presidential elections before the end of this year, He called on all national institutions and forces to consult with the participation of the UN mission for the purpose of holding elections and ensuring acceptance of their results.
The member of Parliament said, “Khalifa Al-Daghari” that the Committee (6 + 6) showed courage and independence and carried out its work to the fullest extent, despite the difficulties and pressures on it, He added that the committee worked with great independence from the House of Representatives. However, it faced direct and indirect interference from other parties. He pointed out that the outputs of the Laws Committee are acceptable and satisfactory to many, especially in the stage of building the modern state. With regard to the issue of dual citizenship, Al-Daghari said that there were concessions on the part of the committee members, although it was complicated. But it is acceptable that the country is in crisis, He added that the Libyan laws in force prevent dual nationals from assuming any leadership position in the country, Al-Daghari confirmed that the Speaker of the House of Representatives, “Aqeela Saleh” has reservations about the outputs of the (6 + 6) committee, and may be under local or external pressure, but he must disclose that.
Rabia Bouras, a member of the House of Representatives, said: It believes that the statement of the mission is a solution to the chaos that will result in the event of the failure to sign the agreement by the presidencies of the two councils. The mission has no desire to thwart any agreement between the Libyans. The UN envoy will try to create a kind of balance to maintain the ceasefire and stability until the election date.
Commenting on the results of the committee’s work, Abdel Moneim Al-Arfi, a member of the House of Representatives, said: The head of the UN mission in Libya, Abdullah Batili, is trying to obstruct the holding of elections. He did not even attend the ceremony of adopting the electoral laws.
The Supreme Council of the State
In his post on his account on the social networking site – Facebook – “Al-Mashri” Head of the High Council of State wrote, “We extend our sincere thanks to the Kingdom of Morocco, king, government and people, for hosting the meetings of the Committee (6 + 6). We thank the committee members for their efforts to reach important consensus. Although the Thirteenth Amendment considers the committee’s work final and binding, we hope to increase understanding on some points through the committee itself in future meetings.
Commenting on the final statement of the Committee (6 + 6). Head of the Political Committee of the High Council of State, Musa Faraj, declares, “The best solution now is to hold legislative elections for the National Assembly and postpone the presidential elections.” Faraj described the committee’s results as “fake and will not lead to credible elections.”
The founding body for drafting the constitution
A member of the Constituent Assembly of the Constitution, Salem Kashlaf, said in his comment on the committee’s outputs, “The draft electoral laws issued by the Committee (6 + 6) were stillborn and will not succeed, for several reasons. Of which:
That the laws are based primarily on the Thirteenth Constitutional Amendment, which was made unconstitutionally and judicially challenged, Also, this amendment did not achieve the required consensus, as it was opposed by a large bloc of the Supreme Council of State. In addition to many spectra of the Libyan people, he made everyone certain that the fate of these laws is failure even before the process of their promulgation. Likewise, the state of strong internal rejection that accompanied the issuance of these laws due to the manner in which the committee was formed. and make its actions final, And its exposure to pressure from some influential parties with the intention of detailing the provisions of the articles, especially those related to the conditions for the candidacy of the head of state, to suit certain cases of dual nationals, It seems that the United Nations mission, from the outset, was not satisfied with the special path of the committee (6 + 6), and it seems that the UN envoy, “Batelli”, believed that it would fail in its mission. Therefore, she was not involved in sponsoring her business or the process of advertising it.”
Third: international parties
The outputs of the Committee (6 + 6) for the preparation of electoral laws received Arab and international reactions. Welcome this step and describe it as important, They demanded that it be a motive for holding elections soon with the agreement of all parties.
Where she said: The Egyptian Foreign Ministry welcomes the efforts of the (6 + 6) committee. Appreciating Morocco’s hosting of the committee’s business tour, The Saudi Foreign Ministry also announced its welcome to the consensus of the members of the Committee (6 + 6) on the parliamentary and presidential electoral laws. Considering the consensual electoral laws as an important step on the way to stability and ending the Libyan crisis. In a statement, the UAE Foreign Ministry announced that the joint committee assigned by the House of Representatives and the Supreme Council of the State announced the agreement of its members on the laws regulating the presidential and parliamentary elections. scheduled for the end of this year. This was at the conclusion of its meetings in the Moroccan city of Bouznika.
expected paths
The first track : the follower of “Bateli’s” movements and his meetings with Libyan officials, And his statements about the outcomes of the work of the (6 + 6) committee give the impression that Batili is not in a hurry. and that the question of time is not an urgent matter for him, And that the survival of the Libyan situation at the same current pace is a good thing for him. Therefore, it is expected to continue in the same direction by holding more meetings. the formation of many committees, Preserving the status quo for the longest time.
The second track : the state of rejection of the outputs of the work of the (6 + 6) committee within the House of Representatives and the upper house may be progressive, and these laws are rejected and access to their approval is hindered. This opens the door wide to push for parliamentary and presidential elections on the announced dates.
The third track : Aqeela and Al-Mishri not appearing in announcing the results of the committee’s work makes room for maneuver for them large. Consequently, positions may change according to any possible political deals, especially with the growing voices opposing them within the two chambers. This time, the country may enter into the turmoil of forming internal committees in both chambers to reach unified formulas and forget the stage of external committees.
June 14, 2023
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