
Batili in Fezzan

In support of his previously announced plan, The United Nations envoy, Abdallah Bathili, and his accompanying delegation went to Sebha, the capital of southern Libya, on a visit that is considered the second to the Fezzan region. Seeking to mobilize and support the people of the south to demand their rights, and pushing them to share state institutions with the East and the West, And to leave the long marginalization that the south suffered from.


The truth of the visit, as revealed by his meetings, is to ensure the passage, support, and standing of the people of the south with him for the success of his initiative, which he launched on February 27, 2023, which aims to resolve the Libyan political deadlock and includes items aimed at supporting the stability plan in Libya. the unification of military and political institutions, He urged all Libyan regions and institutions to actively participate and support free, fair and inclusive elections this year.

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