What’s in Batelli’s bag?

“Contact Group” meeting in Washington
The International Contact Group held a meeting in Washington on Libya. And in the presence of the UN envoy to Libya, Abdullah Batili. In addition to representatives from the United States of America, the United Kingdom, France, Italy and Germany, In addition to Egypt, Turkey, Qatar and the Emirates According to the advertiser, during the meeting they discussed “the security, political and economic challenges and repercussions facing Libya “ and how to find a better solution avenues To reach the parliamentary and presidential elections .
this, The meeting attracted the attention of observers and even “political leaders” at home. This is because it came between two times filled with events and news The first is to talk about international intentions that may be raised – by the UN mission – A new road map may distance some of the current institutions and leaders from their position and leadership. and time The second is the briefing of the UN envoy to the Security Council on the 27th of February . According to the leaks at our disposal, This meeting may be a gateway to speculate about the upcoming briefing of the UN envoy before the Security Council and to understand it roughly..
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