
Sudan events and their effects on the Libyan south


First we must realize, The details of the Sudanese crisis carry with it many complexities. And that the conflict between Hemedti and Al-Burhan is a reflection of the interactions of a regional and international power. And the discrepancy and disagreement on many issues was not new. And that Sudan, according to many observers, was led by two heads. And that this presidential combination was only for the sharing of power in the country, In order to overcome the stage of the fall and collapse of the previous regime, It was not built on an understanding pattern that guarantees that the competences do not overlap and that no party excludes the other.


In this paper, we will discuss a preliminary reading of the reasons for this dispute between the two parties to the conflict. And the course of events without going into the course of the ongoing clashes directly except as necessary. with an attempt to develop expected scenarios, The effects of this conflict on neighboring countries in general and southern Libya in particular.


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