
Results of an opinion poll about the electoral entitlement in Libya

This study came within the framework of the endeavor of the Libyan Center for Security and Military Studies to contribute to standing on one of the important issues of the homeland and to provide objective and credible information to the public and decision makers alike.

This opinion poll was carried out to find out the Libyans’ opinions about the parliamentary and presidential elections and the people’s desire to hold them. And revealing other variables and axes that have correlations with the main objectives of the survey, such as indicators of citizenship, participation, and electoral culture among members of the Libyan society. preferences for selecting candidates, And levels of satisfaction with the performance of the different political bodies.استطلاع-رأي-حول-الاستحقاق-الانتخابي-في-ليبيا-مارس-2023-1.pdf

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